I’m a creative strategist who empowers artists to THRIVE - Personally, Financially and Creatively.

Turn your creativity into your legacy.

As an artist, do you want to demystify the art world, create soul-centered goals and strategies that align with your values AND make a profit with your art?

As an arts administrator, do you want to flourish in your position but feel overwhelmed and under-capacitated?

It doesn’t have to be complicated.

I can help.

For Artists

When it comes to selling your work, what if you could find your way from uncertainty and confusion to confidence and ease? What if you could align your goals as an artist with your values as a human? Learn how to price, market and sell your original artwork for profitability and sustainability? Quit that part-time hustle so you could go full-time with your creative calling?

What if you could “make it” as an artist? That is what I’m here to help you do.

For Arts Administrators

We both know both human and financial resources can be disappointingly limited for arts organizations. Leaders burn out trying to keep up while junior staff are left to train themselves inevitably leading to low morale and high turnover. Funded internships and summer students often increase the workload. What if your foundation was strong enough to build and flourish?

What if you had the tools and support to succeed? I can help.

I know how the biz works.

" I have had the pleasure of working with Lynn on and off for many years and in many parts of the world. She is a fierce and capable art consultant and curator with a fine eye for detail, strong support for her artists, and a graceful persistence when there is pressure to get a show ready for the public. Lynn brings a positive energy and years of experience to her work and in the five exhibitions I have done with her, I have watched her turn them into something special.” - Christopher Porter, Cinematographer, filmmaker & photographer


a tiny gallery of works from some of the artists I have worked with